I've been reading Jeremiah for my QT, and there are actually a couple of sections titled "Jeremiah's Complaint", and really, he had plenty to complain about. Jeremiah was God's prophet at a time when Israel was in deep sin; idols everywhere, God's own priests ignored God and spread about false prophecies of peace and security. So Jeremiah wasn't exactly the bringer of good news. Message after message predicting disaster for Israel: famine, sword, captivity...that God was hugely displeased with Israel and is planning to destroy them. Needless to say, the Israelites weren't particular thrilled to have Jeremiah around.
So Jeremiah complains: "God, I've done everything you've told me to do. Every time I've received a word from you I've stood at the gates and shouted it like you told me to. And you know, these messages aren't exactly pleasant, they're not exactly happy to hear that they'll be killed by foreigners, taken away as slaves, or that they'll starve to death. And I'm sure that the next time I stand at those gates, bringing another message like that, they're GOING TO KILL ME! Where are you God?! Do you really have my back?"
This is how God answers Jeremiah, Jeremiah 15:19-21:
So Jeremiah complains: "God, I've done everything you've told me to do. Every time I've received a word from you I've stood at the gates and shouted it like you told me to. And you know, these messages aren't exactly pleasant, they're not exactly happy to hear that they'll be killed by foreigners, taken away as slaves, or that they'll starve to death. And I'm sure that the next time I stand at those gates, bringing another message like that, they're GOING TO KILL ME! Where are you God?! Do you really have my back?"
This is how God answers Jeremiah, Jeremiah 15:19-21:
Therefore this is what the LORD says:
'If you repent,
I will restore you that you may serve me;
if you utter worthy, not worthless, words,
you will be my spokesman.
Let this people turn to you,
but you must not turn to them.
I will make you a wall to this people,a fortified wall of bronze;
they will fight against you
but will not overcome you,
for I am with you to rescue and save you,"
declares the LORD.'I will save you from the hands of the wicked
and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel.'
That's it. "if you repent...if you utter worthy words...if you don't turn to the world", "I will make you a wall...they will not overcome you...I am with you to save you and redeem you". God says, do what I tell you to do, and I have your back.
Maybe you're wondering, with all this school/work stuff, should I still spend time at bible studies, at discipleship group, spending half the day serving on Saturdays. Maybe you're afraid of rocking the boat with this one person that God is telling you to reach, maybe a family member, a close friend, or a classmate. Maybe God's telling you to take on a new ministry, to step out in faith knowing that it's totally new territory for you. And you're thinking to yourself, well, this probably won't go well. What should I do?
Well here it is: You do what God tells you to do, He's got your back; if God gives you a clear word, and you DON'T do it, I'm convinced you've already missed God's best in that situation. And who knows what 2nd best is like, what 3rd best is like, what 4th best is like. Honestly, if we let God's conviction slide like I used to do, that number rolls straight into the 50s. If I ever manage to stop myself on the slippery slope of disobedience, I'd be lucky to receive God's 53rd best.
God is waiting, desiring, to give you His very best. All you have to do is listen, obey, and receive. So let's ask God to search our hearts, are there any areas of disobedience? Things that I know He's asked me to do that I just plain haven't done? He won't bless us until He knows we are willing to obey in every area of our lives. So before we claim anything in our lives in Jesus' name, let's repent of any disobedience that God finds in our hearts.
Maybe you're wondering, with all this school/work stuff, should I still spend time at bible studies, at discipleship group, spending half the day serving on Saturdays. Maybe you're afraid of rocking the boat with this one person that God is telling you to reach, maybe a family member, a close friend, or a classmate. Maybe God's telling you to take on a new ministry, to step out in faith knowing that it's totally new territory for you. And you're thinking to yourself, well, this probably won't go well. What should I do?
Well here it is: You do what God tells you to do, He's got your back; if God gives you a clear word, and you DON'T do it, I'm convinced you've already missed God's best in that situation. And who knows what 2nd best is like, what 3rd best is like, what 4th best is like. Honestly, if we let God's conviction slide like I used to do, that number rolls straight into the 50s. If I ever manage to stop myself on the slippery slope of disobedience, I'd be lucky to receive God's 53rd best.
God is waiting, desiring, to give you His very best. All you have to do is listen, obey, and receive. So let's ask God to search our hearts, are there any areas of disobedience? Things that I know He's asked me to do that I just plain haven't done? He won't bless us until He knows we are willing to obey in every area of our lives. So before we claim anything in our lives in Jesus' name, let's repent of any disobedience that God finds in our hearts.