The gospel came to the Romans and they turned it into a system.
The gospel came to the Europeans and they turned it into a culture.
The gospel came to the Americans and they turned it into a business."
If I asked a group of people to pick a decimal number between 0 and 1, how many do you think would choose a half, 0.5? At least a few right? But here's the interesting part, what is the actual mathematical probability that anyone would choose 0.5?
And isn't that is exactly the type of faith that God asks of us? One that fails to be defined by the realm of possibilities, making choices that seemingly require us to achieve the impossible. Forgiveness over vengeance, service over status, selfless-ness over self-centred-ness, purity over sin, faith over doubt. But God tells us that by choosing Christ, the obvious choice, each and everyone of us shall achieve those and other impossibly great things with God, through God, and for God.
All you have to do, is pick 0.5.
*for the mathematically inclined, the correct term for an event is outcome, and the proper term for scenario is event. The original math terms seemed a little counter intuitive, so I changed them.
The answer is quite simple: the guys at CCF have forgotten how to be guys. It's been 3 years since we've had a male chair, and I don't ever remember a time when we had more guys on the committee than girls. No wonder guys don't know how to act; being “sensitive”, emotional, and always trying to act “broken” and vulnerable because that's “spiritual”. That really makes me wonder where God's attributes of strength, justice, and resolve has gone nowadays.
Of course, when these guys hang with girls, everything goes well, they get treated as one of the sisters even. But it becomes terribly awkward when it comes time to start a mens small group, because no one knows how to interact with one another. Everyone is pouring their heart outs, when no guy really wants to hear it from someone they've just met. And that's why men's ministry at CCF is flopping, because guys have forgotten (and for a while the girls forbid) that it's OK for small groups to sit together and eat and watch a game, to belch and laugh about it, to spend some quality time through a game of pool or DOTA.
Really CCF guys, when anyone sees a “broken”, “sensitive”, “vulnerable” guy, they don't call them a spiritual giant, they call them a pansy (guys say it outright, girls say it to their friends).
If you're being nice just so you can hook up with someone, please stop. The only girls who'd like that kind of guy are the ones who will trample you over, do you really want that? Ever notice the "nicest" guys are usually the ones who can't find a date? And if you're doing it just because you think that's how a man of God is supposed to act, please consider this: Jesus never needed to ACT broken, He was never too sensitive to say harsh rebukes, and the only person He was vulnerable to was to God alone.