Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Honestly if you'd just listen...

Sometimes you really do wonder if CCF leaders are deaf. On one hand, I absolutely do understand that it's proper to have a vision about what you want to do, but where does YOUR vision end and God's begin? Do the needs of the people in the fellowship even matter?

John 5:19 says "...the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does."

Why are some of CCF's ministries very fruitless? It's simply because the leaders get so wrapped up with doing what THEY want to do, rather than listening to God, and listening to the congregation, about what actually NEEDS to be done at this fellowship.

I think that the congregation's voice is a really big part of affirming a vision. They ARE who you're serving after all. Even if your vision super biblical and orthodox, I hardly think it'll be very effective if you have to drag people kicking and screaming through what you want to do. The thing that most committee members forget, is that before you can create an impact on the campus and on the city, you need to build healthy Christians first, and that requires shepherding; genuine nurture and intentional investment; not just challenge after challenge trying to get people to fit into your vision.

Ultimately, the people of this fellowship are not pawns for the leaders to play with to get to THEIR ministry goals. So before the leaders go out and set any sort of challenge in front of CCF, it would do them well to think about whether they are doing this out of genuine care for the PEOPLE, or just so they can add something to their accomplishments list.

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