Well, is that really true? Are there actually people further from God than you and me?
Take me, my mentor (his name is Tae, a wonderful man of God), and a prostitute who does business down my street (I live in a suburban neighbourhood, but you could ignore that for now) as an example. What, then, is the difference between the 3 of us and God?
The above figure illustrates what the world thinks of that scenario; that my mentor is a bit closer to God than me (I'm rapidly catching up mind you), and let's say that the prostitute is REALLY awful, like not only does he/she commit adultery, but she steals from and drugs her clients all the while. So I'd probably think I'm MILES closer to God than him/her. That's what the world usually thinks isn't it? That we are somehow more or less good, more or less bad, more or less worthwhile, based on how well we follow certain laws and regulations and how much success we have. Sadly even some churches run like that; that certain types of people are closer, and are more worthwhile to invest in, more of use to God than others.
But back to the figure, as a lot people say nowadays, everything is relative. So the ratio x/y*100 represents the distance I/the world perceive between the prostitute's and my goodness, expressed as a percentage of the distance between me and God's goodness. Isaiah 53:9 says
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.So it's pretty obvious to say that 'y', the distance between me and God, is infinity. So then what happens to our ratio?
Any quantity, regardless of magnitude or direction, divided by infinity is zero. So, in reality, the difference between me and that prostitute, with God in mind, is zero. As in, on my own, I am not a single step closer to God than he/she is; that seeing everyone on this planet as equals before God is not a matter of humility, it's simply a matter of fact. They are all ACTUALLY your equals, and if you are acting any differently, you're just being ignorant of reality. We are all equally, in the absolute mathematical sense, far from God, and just as equally saved by the blood of Jesus.
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