Friday, November 14, 2014

Make the Best of (5/5): Things to chew on

In the following section I want to give you some things to chew on. They will probably apply to everyone but I broke it down into what each year is likely to be dealing with.

1st years

You are the babies, and that is perfectly fine. There is no hurry to look mature and have everything figured out. Be curious, if any year should be able to do that it is you. Ask stupid questions. They are always the best ones, as long as you have the patience and the humility to know that you are not going to figure it out right away.

I want you to wrestle with this question starting today, in light of Mary and Martha, what does choosing God over school look like?

2nd years

Maybe in 1st year someone prodded and kicked you in the butt and kept you going, and you went to some church because all your friends went, maybe you're here at CCF because you have been doing all your life.

You are 2nd years now, so just as Joshua told the congregation of Israel when they finally got to Canaan, choose for yourself. Will I go out of what's familiar and safe? Will I think of and see God for myself? Or would I rather busy myself with my five year plan and the usual Christian routine and mob mentality if that is all there is?

3rd years (and 4ths who are not graduating)

This 2nd to 3rd year turn is the toughest of these 4 years. Your expectations suddenly change from being receivers to givers. So while the 2nd years should get started on deeper, it is absolutely crucial for you, because for whatever reason, a lot of you will forget or think you do not need to receive anymore.

Yet here is a simple fact, you can not give what you do not have.

I am sure you received much in 1st and 2nd year, but if your journey deeper ends there, then what you have to give stops there too. Do not let your zeal for the Lord overtake your intimacy with Him.

If any year needs to remember to be Mary, to stop plugging away at the same old same old and to value His presence in new ways, it is you 3rd years. I know God is eager to do that for he said, "Come all who are weary", but only if you stop and come.


Me and Giselle met up with an old friend in New Zealand and she told me I should always say this next bit preceded with a "dun dun dun" sound.

One of the motivations that drives my work here at CCF, is I know that the transition off the campus fellowship will be a huge wet blanket for most of you. Maybe you will be able to go back to your home church where things are great, hearing from quite a few of you, maybe not. Maybe you will find another great community in whatever city you end up at, I am trying to do that right now, it is really hard.

After 12 years at Mac, I have realized, not just for CCF, but campus ministries in general today do not prepare you for a life in anything other than full time ministry; that going harder, doing more, does not strengthen you for the thorns ahead.

When your life here at Mac, when this great community ends, what you will leave with is not the meetings you led, or the causes you have served on, or the theology you have memorized. What remains, what will ultimately be tested after this time of frenetic spiritual activity is over, is your inner connection, your personal relationship, your own intimacy with God.

Deeper is the only thing you take with you.

I am tired of watching zealous brothers and sisters get choked out after they graduate before they have even realized they can't attend or learn their way out of dryness anymore. So if busyness, even for God, is starting to become just busy, if you have not been intentional these 4 years about going deeper with God and valuing His presence personally, please, make decisions today that will change that.

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