Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Infinities

In the world of mathematics there are actually 2 types of infinities: countable and uncountable. Countable infinites are rather self explanatory; a sequence such as 1,2,3,4,5.....and so on is considered a countable infinity. Each object in the sequence is distinct from one another and separated by a finite distance with a unique progession e.g you know that 3 comes after 2.

Uncountable infinities are a little more complicated. An example would be all the decimals numbers possible between 0 and 1. You'd probably start listing numbers like 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, etc, but between 0.2 and 0.3 there's always 0.22 and 0.23, and between those 2 there's always 0.222 and 0.223. Thus in this way it is impossible to "count" the decimal numbers between 0 and 1 because there's an infinite number of infinities between 0 and 1.

A lot of times we think of God as infinite, but what sort of infinity are we thinking of?

Most of the time we tend to think of him as the first "countable" kind. We pray for a certain end result; we expect that one of several plausible/imaginable results will happen; we start praying as if we know that at least one of our solutions would be the proper one. We start thinking about scenarios where we think God can work, and we get all in a knot when we have no idea what's happening because we can't imagine how the current happenings could possibly be part of God's plan, or how this particular progression of events could possibly lead to one of the results that we wanted.

What we ought to be doing, is to start thinking of God as uncountably infinite, to understand that no matter how hard we plan or scheme, God is going to be more. We need to recgonize that although we have no idea what's going on, or even how this is going to benefit us or others at all, that God is more. He is more than we can know, He is more than we can imagine, He is more than what we can dream of even if someone were to explain it to us beforehand.

So the next time you want to scream at God and say "What the heck is going on? This isn't what I, or anyone else, needs." Remind yourself, there is more to what I, or anyone else, can figure out about what's happening. God is unexplainably, unimaginably, uncountably infinite.