Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My turf, your turf

This point goes hand in hand with "Ain't No Superheros Here". It used to be that we had more generic committee titles like outreach coordinator, worship coordinator, vice chair, etc. Now in our committee we have specific titles like men’s ministry coordinator, small group coordinator, prayer meeting coordinator, etc. We didn’t even have a vice chair at all this year believe it or not!

This kind of specific titling only boosts the leaders' preconceptions of their roles. It gives all the leaders an excuse to say “hey, I don’t need to help with prayer because so and so is the prayer coordinator” or “he/she is the small group coordinator, let he/she handle it”. The effect is pretty much the same as the previous point, leaders lose touch/stop caring about each other’s ministries, to the point where they don’t even act if it becomes apparent that the other leaders are doing a poor job

I really think that these clearly defined roles are detrimental to the running of a committee. Clearly those who DO end up with a generic title, like administrator or chair, end up doing most of the work week in week out, with the other leaders chipping in whenever the program suits their titles. Leaders need to come together, and get what’s needed done, regardless of what your title might be.

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