Monday, July 9, 2007

4:09 PM 4/20/03

ah, the meaning of charimatisim.....went to Hamilton Christian Fellowship, was actually a church, charismatic one at that...... sonia thought i'd freak, but i didn't really feel all that much..... sure, they were REALLY different, and if NEone like them was found at our church, oh man, all hell would break loose..... but i don't nessarily find NEthing wrong w/ them, they are very passionate about worship, or just very passionate in general.... they don't take the simpler truths of Jesus lightly at all, which is something really different.... and the people, wow, perhaps itz just because itz a really small church, but it seems they're like in a hurry to greet you, and actually have a CONVERSATION w/ you. Dunno lord, just seems kinda weird to me, that's all, but i really admire their enthusiasm, their energy, and just their fire. Don't think i'll ever go back though, a little too different for me. I have a feeling next year i'll be at Little bethel, something "hotter", but not way out there so to speak. Year is REALLY rolling to an end, i'm really goin to leave soon, kinda looking forward to it, and kinda not..... i will be rid of this horrible school work, but then again i hope i have something to do for the summer, cuz itz goin to be pretty darn boring otherwise, but i'll let you handle that part..... back to the freaking part...... i guess people just assume i'm super traditional, which in most ways i am, i mean, i was an HONG KONG suburb kid (if there was such a thing, i was it), so i'm not exactly what i'd called experienced in many things.... I just don't get dazed by much, nothing really surprises me.... no wait, actually a lot of things startle me, just not the important big things..... all the stupid things like people's haircuts and the smell of food and such surprise me, but if one of my friends came up to me and said she was pregnant, i don't really think i'd be all that surprised, or worked up, or upset or what not.... i just kinda expect everything and anything to happen..... NEways, goin to chill a bit before heading back to physics..... help me on calc, PLEASE......

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